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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Ask Maxy

Dear Maxy ,
Recently my wife and I was in Las Vegas and had a terrible experience at a buffet at one of the top hotels . I sent an e-mail to the manager , and she forwarded it to the executive chef . The executive chef apologized , invited us to dine at any of the hotel's restaurants and suggested the most expensive one . He met us at the restaurant and said to order anything we wanted on the menu , starting with the wine . The total bill came to $350.
I said we should leave a tip , but my wife (who has a restaurant background ) said that when the management invites you ... you do not have to leave a tip . Who is right ?
Dear Comped ,
You are . The wait-staff still had to work to serve you , no matter who paid the bill . Unless there was an added service charge that was then picked up by the owner , the wait-staff should not be penalized because you had a bad experience at another location .

Dear Maxy ,
I have began dating someone new . My ex and I told each other awhile back , when we was close and talking frequently , that we would tell each other if we was in a relationship with someone else . I would prefer that my ex hear it from me and not online or from someone else . Should I honor the commitment to tell him , or should I just let him find out on his own ?
Dear Loyal,
It sounds as if you and your ex parted amicably , maybe even as friends . While you don't have to tell him about your new relationship , I think it would be incredibly thoughtful of you to give him a heads-up .
If possible , call him so you can tell him directly . If you are unable to speak to him , send him an email . But please avoid social media . Being discreet is important here . Let your ex know that you met someone special . Tell your ex about him briefly , pointing out what you consider to be a few of his assets . Wish him well and then live your life .

Dear Maxy ,
Sometimes when I go to parties or social events my boyfriend gets overly possessive . I just want to have fun , but he gets worried that other people will be hitting on me and he gets testy.
I want to go out with friends this weekend , and he knows I'm going out . How do I broach the subject ?
Dear Lisa ,
An possessive boyfriend raises a red flag . What does he do or say when you are in the company of other people ? What are you doing when he reacts in possessive ways ?
If you actually are flirting with other men and he is observing your behavior , it's understandable that he would have a reac tion . If , on the other hand , you are just hanging out with friends and enjoying yourself and he gets protective whenever someone speks to you , that should cause concern . You do not belong to your boyfriend . That needs to be clear in order for you to have a healthy relationship .
I recommend that you express your concerns to your boyfriend as soon as possible . Tell him directly that you are worried he is overly protective and you don't like it . Give him a specific example of when he has acted that way in the past , and tell him how uncomfortable it made you feel . Tell him that if he is going to come out with you , he needs to relax and not overreact if people are attracted to you . Assure him that you can take care of yourself . Add in a clear way that you do not like it when he tries to control you . Ask him to stop .

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