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Thursday, March 31, 2011

Ask Maxy

Dear Maxy,
I recently moved back home and started a new job . I'm fairly young ... 24-years-old ...and I want to get into the prefessional-networking scence here in Houston.
I have a best friend who lives here , but she's my "kick it" girlfriend . There is a big networking event coming up and I don't want to invite her  because she won't fit in .
Don't get me wrong : I love her to death . But she's a little loud , speaks her mind , and I'm afraid of what people may think . There's going to be alcohol there as well . One word  :YIKES !
I know she's going to ask me what I'm doing that weekend  . I don't want to lie. What should  I do ?
Tammy...Houston , Texas

Dear Tammy ,
There's no rule that says you and your friend must forever be connected at the hip . If you believe this is a professional opportunity for you , treat it as such . Go by yourself ready to make professional connections or invite someone with similar career goals to join you .
If your friend asks what you did this weekend , tell her that you went to a professional event  . If she gets upset , tell her you have come home and are happy to hang out with her  but you must also build your career .

Dear Maxy ,
I have a buxom friend, I often notice that whan she eats, she spills food on her blouse . I bought her  some of those stain wipes so she could get the stains out right away . She didn't realize why I had given them to her, so I told her. She shrugged it off as if it were  no big deal . It is a big deal . She's a professional , but she looks sloppy . I'm sure that the reason she hasn't got a promotion . least one reason  ... is that she doesn't present herself in a professional manner on the job .
Margarita... San Diego , Ca.

Dear Margarita ,
While it's normally not the preferred way of eating, your friend may need to put her napkin  at her neck. She may need to figure out a way to eat without spilling  food on her clothes . Another way that can work is sitting up straight, putting small amounts of food on your fork and placing the food gently in your mouth.
Most important , she has to want to be neat. When that happens, she will figure out what to do. You can remind her, but you can't do it for her .

Dear Maxy ,
My 14-year-old daughter recently came home  and asked if she could wear make-up . Her friends in school have been wearing make-up since last year, and I didn't allow it  then . To my daughter's credit , she has not worn make-up behind my back . She's a goog girl  who wants to be part of her peer group without doing the wrong thing in the eyes of her family .My husband and I are doing our best to teach her values  that will guide her throughout her life, And we are against a little make-up. t her age , we think she can wear lip gloss and maybe sheer eye shadow . I am happy to teach her, but part of me is worried that I'm allowing to much too soon . What do you think ?
Amelia ... Jackson , Miss.

Dear Amelia ,
I think it's fine to introduce your daughter to light make-up now . Most teenagers are wearing it, so it's good for her to learn. Use this opportunity as a teaching moment to talk to her more about presentation, beauty and even sexuality. She is at the age when these topics are at the top of  her mind (yours too). Help her to process her thoughts and feelings .

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