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Monday, May 14, 2012

Kids Say The Darndest Things ' Ain't Kids Wonderful'

*** What would you like to do best ?
Fly kites . I have a secret invention , where instead of using one long tail , I use a third  string which runs over  and connects with the second  one that's connected  with the tail and it loops over the first string and secret one .
*** Well. don't let anyone know .
No grown-ups anyway  , after 21 adults gets dumb .

*** How old are you ?
Six .
*** Any hobbies ?
I like to drive cars .
*** Do you ever drive ?
I don't yet because of one trouble .
*** What's that ?
My Mother won't give me the keys .

*** What do you want to be ?
A carpet layer doing the  week and a preacher on Sundays .
*** Why ?
My dad is a carpet layer  and my mother wants me to go to heaven .

*** What's your name ?
Alex Tontainbleu .
*** What kind of name is that ?
French .
*** What's your father ?
Part Scotch , part English and Irish .
What's your mother ?
Swedish .
*** What does that make you ?
I'm Spanish .

*** How old are you ?
Four .
*** What do you want to be ?
I don't want to be anything .
*** Don't you want to get married ?
*** How'll you get the money ?
My wife can work .
*** What if she won't ?
I'll send for my mother .

*** Do you have any hobbies ?
Yes , collecting brothers .
*** How many have you ?
Only one , so far, but I'm looking for another one any day now .
*** Oh , your mother is expecting .
No , my brother is expecting . He got married last month .

*** What is your idea of the definition of a gentleman  from the viewpoint of a kid ?
1 ) A man who cleans up after himself in the bathroom .
2) A man who's always nice to his wife and hardly ever hit her .
3) A man who always pick you a handkerchief that's dropped except by another man .
4) A man who always kisses his wife  just before he leaves for work .

*** What's your defination of maturity ?
It's when you come to a dead in .

*** What are some of the saying that ten-year-old are using around school these days ?
1)  "Go, man go !"
2)"He's a cube ." (That means dope ).
3) "She's 3-D" (Dizzy , dopey  and dumb ).
4)  "Jet propelled muscle juice .
*** What's that ?
Milk .

*** What makes a man bald ?
They eat too much ... it fills them up so much that it pushes the hair right through the top .


  1. Hahahaha!I love the one where the kid says he is Spanish.Very funny PIC..See ya later

  2. Thankyou HM,
    See I am working hard and my catpups are well fed.

    By the way ... You need to stock the cabinet with more milk bones ...Hahaha

  3. I don't mind feeding the pups Maxy but that fat cat needs to get off her big ass and earn her dinner.Did I not warn you about marrying her? you never listen.

  4. AWwwww Human Mama
    White Cat got good Choochie and I do like poking it Hahaha.

    White Cat is fat again because she is pregnant Hahaha ... everyone wants one of out catpups ... we are going to make a fortune .

    By the way ... Your butt is getting a bit hmmmmm...[giggles]

  5. HAHAHAHAHA! Keep your comments about my butt to yourself or you will be sleeping in the garage.

    You two are selling your children?? I knew that cat wouldbe a bad influence. You truly are P***y whipped.

  6. Yes I am p***y whipped and I'm loving it Hahahaha


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