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Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Felt Skater Craft

Mr. Burba was the cool seventh grade science teacher of Lord Baltimore Jr. High. Long hair and sideburns, corduroy bell bottoms and leather vests. Girl students would sigh upon entering his classroom. Teacher by day, he was my ice skating instructor on Saturdays.

Flesh colored tights and baby blue skating costume, white mittens and rented skates. I couldn't believe I had the handsome Mr. Burba to myself for an hour. Step in close, arm about my waist, left hand held across his chest. White breath escaping in the chilly morning air, heart beat soaring with the happiness of movement.

This was the very moment I fell in love with ice skating, this was the very moment Mr. Burba said I was ready to move on. My heart nearly broke at the thought of Saturday's without Mr. Burba. "You are a very special girl, and one day someone special will find you."

Saturdays became everyday, and everyday became more than once a day. I couldn't wait to feel the exhilaration of gliding across glass like frozen water. A place to be graceful and beautiful and everything thing I wished to be.

In my second year of ice skating now with skates that were my own and costumes of every color, someone special found me. Step in close, arm about my waist, left hand held over his heart. In that very moment I fell in love. In that very moment I was so glad to have known a science teacher in seventh grade who skated on Saturday

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