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Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Sad end to a beautiful partnership

A Houston officer is being heralded for his compassion toward a fallen police horse that later died from injuries sustained during a downtown traffic accident Thursday.

We love all animals, and know the relationship between horses and their humans can be an incredible thing. 
Yesterday in Houston, a police horse, Charlotte, was spooked, bucked her rider and ran into the street where she was most unfortunately hit by a truck. The amazing part of this tragic story is what the officer and rider (Officer Herrejon) did while he lay, shaken and bruised, in the street. Above is an image of the officer laying with her and comforting her while she took her last breath. 
We admire the heart and strength of this officer because as you know, when you lose a beloved animal, to be with them during their last breath is a heartbreaking thing to do.  Many thanks to him for loving his partner and friend until the end and giving us all a lesson in caring and compassion.

Charlotte and her mounted officer D. Herrejon
the day before her death

The afternoon of the accident, the HPD's Facebook page posted a tribute to Charlotte, described as a 6-year-old Tennessee Walker from Oklahoma who thrived during her four years with the force.
"She passed her evaluation period with flying colors and was working the streets of Downtown Houston within a short time of being started under saddle," reads the caption. "She loved her job and was always ready to go to work putting bad guys in jail or giving nuzzles to children."

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