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Thursday, August 21, 2014

Ask Maxy

Dear Maxy ,
I have  fibromyalgia  and other  medical  problems  and needs  counseling for  depression . I an on disability , so my income  is  limited  and I am unable  to drive . I was wondering  whether  you could  help me .
Dear H .,
Please  try one of these organizations  : the National Fibromyalgia Association  ( ); The  American Chronic Pain Association ( ); United  way , YMCA  and  YWCA; the Samaritan Institute  ( );  and  Recovery International  at ( ) . You can also find  low-cost or  free counseling  through  your local  hosiptals  and  university psychology  and graduate-school  counseling  departments .

Dear Maxy ,
I have  a former  intern  who reached  out to  me  recently  to ask  if I would  give her  a recommendation  for  a job . The  job she wants  to get is  one that I  doubt  she  can do . She was  not  attentive  while  she worked  with me, she was  a strong  writer  and she  was  a poor  communicator . The  job  she applied  for is  in the  communications  field . I do not  want to badmouth this  young  lady, but  at the same time, I do not want to lie . If I misrepresent her, she will likely  fail on the  job  and my  credibility  will come  into  question . How should I handle  this ?
Wanting to  help
Dear Wanting  to Help ,
Contact  your intern  directly  and request  a meeting  ...  face to face  if possible . Be honest with her : Tell her that during  her tenure  with you, she did not  demonstrate  skills  that would  suggest  that she would be  proficient  at the  job in question . Ask her  what she has done  since then to strengthen  her abilities . Ask her  if she has  worked  for  anyone  who can  vouch  for her in that capacity . That person  should be  her reference .
Tell her  you care  about her  and her  well-being  . To that end , you cannot in good  conscience recommend her  for something  for which  you believe  she is unprepared  . If  you can, suggest  a line of  work  for which  she  may be  better  suited .

Dear  Maxy,
My neighbor's  tree hangs  15  feet over  my property line  and shades  my crabapple  tree . When I asked "Ralph"  to trim his  tree  so that mine  could get  some sunlight, he  went  ballistic  and refused .
Whenever  Ralph  and his wife  go on vacation I water their  dozens of  plants  and take in their mail . I no longer  want to do either of these  things, because they obviously  don't  appreciate  it . I  once  asked   them to watch my dog  when I needed to  go to the emergency  room  and they wouldn't  do it .
Ralph  got into a fistfight  with the  neighbor  on the other  side  when the  man wanted  to install a  fence  on his property  . He  once  physically  pushed  the  cable installers   when they tried  to lay down  cable . All I want  is for  Ralph  to trim  his  tree  so mine  can survive  . Do you think I should water  his plants  and take in his  mail  ?
Unhappy Neighbor
Dear Unhappy Neighbor ,
Ralph sounds  like  a loose cannon . It's  your decision  whether  or  not  to take  care of his mail  and plants . You are  not obligated   and he  certainly  does not  reciprocate  .
But  about the tree : In most cases  it is  legal for  you  to trim  the branches  that hang over  your  property  line, provided  you do not  harm the tree .
However, I recommend  you confront Ralph  directly  with this because  he is  so volatile  . Do you have a neighborhood  association  that can help  mediate  the issue ?  Would his wife intercede ? As a last resort  you can take  Ralph to  court .


  1. Dear Maxy,
    Thank you for your response so quickly . The sites you gave me took my number and said I will hear from them by Monday . One asked who my doctor was and what hospital I used , they will get me into the programs I need there .
    I will keep you updated on my progress .
    Again I thank you , I was at my wits end .
    H. is for Helen

  2. Let me go check stats and see where you fools are from .
    Witchy with the bad attitude

  3. You better keep your Canadian douche a** in Canada ... you dumb 'FUCK' .
    I know you knew the real Maxy &^&()D#@!$ and I ain't your mate you rotton stinky limey .

    As I said before you are a cowardly S.O.B. hiding behind your keyboard . My mistake , you are a bully and as everyone knows bullies are cowards . What's wrong ... you can't sleep ... Maybe you need to see the sun . Fuckhead !!!!!

  4. Last time around fellow ... all your comments are from one and I said 1 person and I will not feed the fools . so hang around all you like , who cares ... I know I hit a nerve and will do you great harm and I am sitting here grinning at you fool . I also have my camera on .

  5. NOTE: Maxy responds to all genuine requests for help with honesty, integrity and genuine concern for the writer.
    We would appreciate it if readers confined themselves to such requests.

    Care of: Witchy and Genie

  6. Raging and deleting post won't help, mate.

    You can try cheat people around, but you won't cheat yourself and hide the truth. And the truth is, that it's you who start raging like little kid, when we just peacefull asked you something.


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