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Saturday, September 22, 2012

Grit..a film by Zach Ramelan...My grandson

Shortcut to part 2 at the end of the video 



  1. Zach is getting better and better as time goes by .
    This is one of the best .
    It would be good if one day Zach and Shayne get together for directiong / filmimg .
    I bet they would make an awesome team ... it just may happen .
    My babies watched it and they was watching to see aunt Jeannie ... I told them you wasn't in this one , but who knows about the next one HUH ???
    Luv ya ...PIC

  2. Hi PIC
    That is a brilliant idea.And Jakey can become a third partner when he is old enough. It is funny to have three of them in one family. But then we have a bunch of accountants and math people. The monkeys must have missed me.I was the lady in the cafeteria who picked her nose.

    Luv to the monkeys...PIC


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