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Thursday, January 19, 2012

Ask Maxy

Dear Maxy ,
My husband and I are having the outs in a big way , but not too many people know . A friend recently asked if he could stay with us for a few days , but it really won't work . My husband is sleeping in the guest room , and there is no other room for sleeping . Of course , our friend doesn't know that . But even if we were to let him stay and my husband temporarily moved back in with me , things would ne tense . We are not in a good place . I don't want to open up our issues to anyone , including this guy . How do I say "no" to him without causing a worse situation ?
Trouble in Paradise
Dear Trouble ,
You have the right to refuse a friend who wants to stay in your home without a detailed explanation . Your responsibitily is to be crystal clear in your answer so that there is no confusion and your friend does not show up at your house . You may want to tell your husband that your friend has asked to stay and how you have chosen to handle it . This may spark a conversation that the two of you need to have . Moving out of the conjugal bedroom is not the same as separation or divorce ... or reconcilation , for that matter . Either with professional support or just between the two of you . It's time for you to talk about the future and for each of to declare what you would like to have happen next . The fruit of your discussion will help you determine appropriate next steps .

Dear Maxy,
I have been getting so upset by the political process recently . I hate to say this , but I have never paid attention to politics more than now . But it's a mess . Everyone hates Obama . And the rest are a bunch of nutcases . My friends say the Republicans seem like a freaky sideshow . I wonder what will happen when we go to vote and , more , what will the rest of the world think about America ? We seem to be a crazy mess . How does the average American react to all of this stuff ?
Democracy- Challenged
Democracy- Challenged ,
Know that you are not alone . Many more people are paying attention to the national political system , which is fantastic . I hope all those people will vote.
Hatred of President Obama seems to be twofold ; too many people are still without jobs , which makes it hard to love him , even though he has made many strides . And many voters have decided that , no matter what , Obama is a one term president .
A word to the wise : All voters should vote based on knowledge ... not opinion .

Dear Maxy ,
I am 15 and very overweight . I've been this way since I was little . I've tried losing weight , but never seem to keep it off very very long . What bothers me most is the intolerance at school . I hear the fat jokes and the whispers . I don't understand why people can't accept all body types . Nowadays you have to be thin to be considered pretty .I want to feel pretty , too , and know people can like me as I am. Why can't these attitudes be changes ?
Dear Confused ,
That's an excellent queston . Attitudes like these are culturally entrenched and reinforced by media images . Fat Jokes and nasty whispers are a form of bullying and should be reported to the school authorities .
But we are worried about you . Extra weight can cause all kinds of physical problems . Please talk to your parents and have them make an appointment for you to see your doctor and a nutritionist . Work on being healthy , regardless of your size .


  1. Way to go Maxy . You did it again. I'm afaraid you're right about Obama. Some of the voters have indeed decided He will be a one term president.
    It's too bad. He didn't have an instant cure for the economy and they won't forgive him for that or for being black.
    Your friend and PIC

  2. I agree with you .
    Obama may be able to pull the rabbit out of the hat .
    Who do Obama have to run against him ?
    They do not realize that Bush had 8 years to make this mess . The voters should at least give Obama 8 years to try and correc t the crisis .
    Rember 'ROME' wasn't built in a day . Obama should stop playing musical chairs with them and sit his ass in one chair and stay put .
    Your Loyal Friend ...

    PS: If all else fails , I may take a run for the high office myself .[giggles]


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