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Thursday, February 6, 2014

Ask Maxy

Dear Maxy ,
I have a 40-year-old daughter who is lazy . When she  injuries  herself  , has surgery  or is sick , I wait  on her  like she's a baby . But I recently needed surgery  myself  and she  has no interest  in helping me at all .
A while back  , I hired  someone to clean  her bedroom  . It took two days  . It was absolutely  disgusting  . Now  that I can't pick up after her , it's getting bad again . If I say  anything to her  , she throws a tantrum . I'm getting too old for this .
Can't Take  the Arguments
Dear  Can't ,
You're too old ? 
Your daughter is  40  and still lives at home  and expects her  mother  t clean her room . I do not understand  some parents who encourage  their children  to behave  like babies  and treat parents  like servants  and then complain  when they do . 
Unless  your  daughter  is incapable  of holding a job  and living independently , tell her  it's time she found a place of her own . At the very least , insist  she pay you rent  . Do not clean her  room . Close the door and let her  deal with her own mess .

Dear Maxy ,
I am a caregiver  for my husband  , who was  diagnosed with  Lewy  body dementia . Before that time  , I had never heard of Lewy body dementia , nor did I know  that there  are actually four  distinct  dementia  classifications  ; Alzheimer's , Lewy body , frontal lobe  and vascular
At this time  , there are 1.3 million Americans  who have  been diagnosed  with Lewy body dementia  , which is  the second  most common  progressive  dementia   and is believed  to be under-diagnosed .
These  individuals  are drug sensitive   and the incorrect  drugs can  cause full blown  dementia .
Anyone  who shows  sign  of dementia  should see their primary  care physician  or a neurologist  for proper  diagnostic  testing .
Trinidad , Ca.
Dear  Trinidad ,
Thank you calling this to my attention .
Aside  from the familiar  cognitive  symptoms of dementia  , Lewy's includes   visual hallucinations  , as well as movement disorders  that may  be related  to Parkinson's .
The earlier  it is diagnosed  , the sooner the  treatment  can begin . Those  who wish  to know more  about  Lewy body dementia  can contact .

Dear Maxy ,
I recently lost my  job  and had to move  out of my apartment  . I currently  live with  my best friend  and her husband . It has been six  months since I lost my  job and my friends  husband  is giving me hints  that I should find  a place because  I am getting  in the way of their relationship .
I called my parents  to see if  I could move back home  into their house  and they told me no  and I should find a woman's shelter  to move into  until I  can get my life together  . I had a bad experience  in a women's shelter  many years  ago . I am hurt  and disappointed  that my parents made a suggestion like that .
I have a couple of dollars  saved up  , but I do not  know how long  it will last . I used to work in the accounting  department  a  hotel chain  and I am ready  to work  and have my own place  again . 
Nowhere  to Turn
Dear nowhere to turn ,
Comb your memory  to see if you  have any other  friends  who may take  you in temporarily .
If necessary , go to a shelter  for a short time  .  Research  to find  the safest  and cleanest ones  in your area . Spend your days  looking for a job  , perhaps  outside  your  field .

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