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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Country-wide Outbreak of Christmas Kindness

Have you heard? Retailers reported an outbreak! More than one! Yup! You heard right! It started when a mystery woman walked up to the layaway desk (at a Kmart in Michigan) and asked the clerk if she could pay off some layaway accounts that included children’s toys. The mystery woman said “she had been blessed and wanted to bless others” “she wanted to help people in need”. After her generous and Christmas inspired act of good will  was widely reported, retailers across the country reported people walking into their stores and paying off from $500 to $5000 worth of merchandise … for total strangers”. Can you imagine the look on the families' faces when they heard their entire layaway bill (all their Christmas gifts) had been paid by a total stranger! That’s what I call the true spirit of giving!

It seems that if you do a good deed others will follow your example and others will follow their examples. There is food for thought, don't you think??

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