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Saturday, June 6, 2015

Food for Thought : Weight Loss

Most of   us  have  something  we  are  looking  forward  to  this summer . It may be  a wedding  , a class reunion  or  a family  vacation . No matter  the  event , we  all want  to look out  best .
Although you may have  known  this  was  coming for  quite  some  time , but  may  not  have   had  the  motivation  to get  started  on  your  weight loss  or  health goals . While  you  don't  have  time  to make  drastic changes ,  you can make  a few  changes   that can improve  how  you  look , feel  and  get yourself  started  on the  right  path.
However  , you should  avoid  the  temptation  to go on a crash diet  or  follow  a fad  plan .These  can create  health problems ; specifically  they can create  heart problems  and  other  issues .
Here  are  a few  tips  to help you look  and  feel  your  best  for  the  upcoming  event  in a healthful  way .

1 . Drink plenty of  water :
Staying properly  hydrated not  only  keeps  your  metabolism  working  properly . it also  helps  the  appearance  of  your  skin  and  reduces  puffiness  and  swelling . Remove  sodas  , diet  soda  , fruit  drinks  from your  diet  and  replace  them with water .

2 .  Snack smart : 
Snacks  consisting  of  nuts  , seeds  , or  water-rich  fruits  and  vegetables  such as  watermelons  or  cucumbers . Avoid  snacks  with preservatives  and  artificial  sweeteners  , as  these  can  cause  bloating .

3 .  Eat small amounts :
Eat smaller potions  of  food  ever few  hours  instead  of  three larger  meals .  Although  high-fiber  foods  such as  beans  and  cruciferous  vegetables  are  great  for  your  overall  health , you may want  to  avoid  them a day or  two  before  the  big  event  , to  reduce  bloating .

Words  of  Wisdom :

Every man is a damn fool for at least five minutes every day; wisdom consists in not exceeding the limit. 

The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom. 

If wisdom and diamonds grew on the same tree we could soon tell how much men loved wisdom. 

Life is one long experiment in learning. Who can be perfect all the time? Sometimes I feel half-wise, sometimes half-stupid. 
Mothers, teach your children this. Teach your children that Wisdom is everywhere. In pieces. Some of the Wisdom is in the trees, some of the Wisdom is with the animals. Some of the Wisdom is with the planets and the stars and the moons and the sun. Some of the Wisdom flows with the waters. Some of the Wisdom was with our ancestors. Some of the Wisdom is in our minds.

A proud  grand-poppa                G.


  1. Poppa ,
    What a gorgeous butterfly unicorn , just breathtaking , I know the cubs found it for you .
    Love the post and you Poppa .
    Your sweet granddaughter

    1. HB
      How did you know I had a class reunion? I do want to look good but there is not enough time for a miracle. So I'll just wear looser clothes. My classmates are probably all fat and bald anyway...even the women.
      Loved the wisdom quotes. I gave the first one to Brian.
      Love and hugs

    2. Hello Butterfly,
      Looking good is also feeling good about yourself , I suggest that just be yourself and let tings fall where they may (laughing my butt off) . Glad you liked the quotes and found some use for one . I bet Brian filed it exactly where Man file his important papers .

      If you can not get in shape in time just get naked and wear a smile .
      Hugs and love

  2. Aunty and Genie ,
    Genie , I know you enjoyed your daughter's wedding .

    Dear Maxy ,
    For the past couple of years , I have alas been put in he middle of my parent's disagreements . Whenever they butt heads , they each come to me and vent ho horrible the other is . Every time his happens , it makes me feel uncomfortable since it pus me in he middle of their fights , making me choose as if I have to choose sides . I have tried to talk to my siblings about this , but I am the only one my parents do this with , so I was unable to gat any help from them . How should I go about getting this to stop ? I still live at home because I go to a college nearby . I feel like I need to move out in order to have peace of mind , but I can't leave yet .
    Out of the Middle

    Dear Maxy ,
    In the world of college students , the social life can get pretty tough . While on this journey , I have come across some kids who are more well-off than others . One of my friends continuously shows off what she has and spends large amounts of money in front of another friend who is not as fortunate . It has been bothering this friend of mine . I do not know whether I should confront my flashy friend or continue not saying anything when these moments occur . How do I approach this situation without losing my friend ?
    Hush Her Up

    Dear Maxy ,
    I have a distant cousin whom I do not know well . Her family has asked for me to allow her to stay with me for two weeks over the summer . While I am all for helping out family , I am hesitant to agree to this , considering that I do not really know this girl well . She also does not speak much English . She is visiting the United States from Japan . It would be like allowing a stranger to live with me half a month . I am leaning toward not having her stay with me mostly because I do not have time to show her around due to my job . How do I deal with this situation without causing any rifts in my family ? My brother stayed with her a year awhile back when he visited Japan . Oh , it's complicated .
    Taking Family In

  3. Hi Nee,
    Thanks again for the letters.
    To be honest, three of my kids had fancy weddings with all the bells and whistles and a couple of hundred guests... and I was not all that impressed. This simple, intimate little ceremony , done in their own words ....with just a few loved ones present, moved me so was definitely my all time favorite. Everyone felt the same way. Not a dry eye there. Jane wanted a wedding in a beautiful garden and she got her wish. It was magical and you could feel the love all around. If I ever married again...I would do it just the way Jane did. I am looking forward to seeing if the photographer captured the magic. Although Jordan's photos were pretty good.
    See you around the old blog
    Your pal Genie

  4. Hi Genie ,
    So glad to hear the wedding went off perfect without a hitch , sound so lovely . I love weddings they are so moving .
    Your daughter had a wedding to remember and so did her guests , Aunty showed me her pics and everyone seems so very happy .

    I understand about a small and intimate wedding . Genie as you know , all our wedding here are small and intimate , with my large family , inviting only the closest one to a small intimate wedding is about 200 guests .
    So happy you enjoyed it as I knew you would .
    Your pal Nee

  5. Hahahaha! I know about your wee family Nee. Just enough of you to populate a small country.
    I would be interested to know what you consider a BIG party. I think it would be rather intimidating to an old hermit like myself....Back to my cave.
    Have a good one,


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