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Saturday, June 13, 2015

Food for Thought : Hydration

Summer is here  and  many of  us  are  gearing up  for  spending days  and  evenings outdoors . Whether  you are  exercising , gardening  or playing  with your kids at  the  park , you are  going  to need extra hydration over the  next few  months . Water  is  the  most important nutrient in our  diet .

While  you can go several days  , even weeks  without  food , you could go but  just a  few  days  without water . Our bodies  are over  half  water . Water is needed  for proper  metabolism , supplying nutrients and  removing waste .
Here  are a few tips to help  you  stay  hydrated  this  summer .

1 .  Most people  do not  need  a sports drink  after  working  out , water  will replace  the fluids lost . If you need a strenuous  workout  and   need to replace  fluids  and  electrolytes, such  sodium  and  potassium , try  fresh  fruits , vegetables juices  or  soups .

2 .  Monitor fluid loss  by  checking  the  color  of  your  urine . It should  be  clear  or pale  yellow . Anything  cloudy  , dark  yellow  or  a strong odor indicates you  may not  be properly hydrated .

3 .  Make sure you begin  exercises  well  hydrated  . Drink plenty of  fluids the  day before  and  an hour  or  so before  and  during  your exercise.

4 .  Although  a  cold  beer  or  frozen margarita  may sound  refreshing  ,  you should  drink alcohol  cautiously  and in moderation . Alcohol  can not  only cause  some  dehydration , but  it may also mask  your  feeling  of being  dehydrated .

Words  of Wisdom : 

Just as treasures are uncovered from the earth, so virtue appears from good deeds, and wisdom appears from a pure and peaceful mind. To walk safely through the maze of human life, one needs the light of wisdom and the guidance of virtue.

True friendship multiplies the good in life and divides its evils. Strive to have friends, for life without friends is like life on a desert island... to find one real friend in a lifetime is good fortune; to keep him is a blessing.

People spend too much time finding other people to blame, too much energy finding excuses for not being what they are capable of being, and not enough energy putting themselves on the line, growing out of the past, and getting on with their lives.

Knowledge comes, but wisdom lingers. It may not be difficult to store up in the mind a vast quantity of facts within a comparatively short time, but the ability to form judgments requires the severe discipline of hard work and the tempering heat of experience and maturity.

You are a product of your environment. So choose the environment that will best develop you toward your objective. Analyze your life in terms of its environment. Are the things around you helping you toward success - or are they holding you back.

A proud grand-poppa                    G.


  1. Hi Poppa ,
    Love the post , you makes the very simple things seem so easy . All your quote this week is right on spot , as you know my family is hard working , eating , partying and baby making so we have to live by those quotes or rules.

    MeMa say I sound just like aunty and Mom say I am just as bad . Aunty is not bad for a role model and I can cuss too .
    Your loving granddaughter

    1. Thank you Nee,
      We are very proud of our Jordan. We only have three more to see through university and then all 12 grandkids are done and hopefully have great careers and full lives. Just think, you have all this ahead of you. I wonder how many grandkids you will have. Probably a lot...your family is quite prolific. Lots of fun years ahead of you Nee....enjoy every minute. Best of luck,
      Your friendly neighborhood Genie

    2. Good post HB and very timely,
      We perspire so much in the summer and people do not realize they have to replace those fluids. Every summer we hear about older people who collapse from heat exhaustion and dehydration. It can lead to kidney failure and heat stroke.
      Your comment about environment is very true. You have to be in an environment that you are comfortable in and can flourish in or you cannot grow as a person.
      love and hugs

    3. Hello Butterfly ,
      My aim is to please , I work for 2 slave drivers and they believe in paying you off in food , no meat or sweets . I think I will go on strike , what you think ? (laughing my butt off)

      You may not be able to pick the neighborhood that you live in , but you can sure pick the environment that is right for you .

      Not only older people collapse from the heat , also children , they have to taught to drink plenty of water instead of sodas ETC. Nothing takes the place of water .
      I do not do many posts but I try to give much needed advice , had this one ready to go since April , try to stay ahead .
      Glad you enjoyed it and more helpful ones on their way .
      Hugs and love

  2. Hi Aunty and Genie ,
    Genie so glad you made it to your granddaughter graduation , she is a very pretty young lady with a great smile , Aunty says she is a teacher , good , we need more good teachers . She has a bright future in head of her .
    See you around the blog

    Dear Maxy,
    I used o be best friends with a girl in middle school , and our moms became close friends as a result .Years later , we have grown apart , but we are still close friends . I am happy my mother has a confidante and partner in crime , but both mothers do not seem to understand that their daughters do not share he same bond . They think setting us on "play dates" of sorts will work to rekindle our friendship . We grew apart because of a difference in values and interests , and i am happy with the current amount of friends I have . I am always cordial to the daughter when I see her , but I find this maternal meddling frustrating . Is there anyway to politely tell my mother to get over the end of my middle school friendship ?
    No Old Friends

    Dear Maxy ,
    I have a phobia of being on boats and my family has known about it for years . I get anxiety and panic at the thought of being on a boat . My other's new boyfriend has three boats and is in love with the sea . She constantly talks about how often we will be on boats in the summer . When I told her I would not be going , she decided I act this way because I get seasickness . It's incredibly frustrating to me that she trivializes my phobia and thinks a tablet can cure it . How do I make my mother realize I have a reason to not go on the boat while politely declining her boyfriend's invitations ?
    Mal Voyage

    Dear Maxy ,
    I have recently made the decision to become a vegan due to ethical and healt reasons . Even though completely changing your diet is a difficult thing to do , the hardest thing has been communicating with other people about my new lifestyle . It has made it hard to go out for occasions with friends , due to the difficulty finding something to eat on the menu and constantly having to explain my new eating habits . Every time I have to explain my choice to become a vegan to others , I feel as if I am offending them on their food choices . I have enjoyed being a vegan so far and loves what it stands for , but it has caused such a rift in my social life that I do not know ho much longer I can keep it up . How do I deal with others while maintaining my veganism ?
    Different Eater


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