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Saturday, April 25, 2015

Food for Thought : Proper Nutrition Needed for Physical Activities

 Spring  is  here  and  many of  us  are  ready to  get outdoors  and  get active .  You  don't  have  to look far  for  a  local  5K  jogging  run or  some  other  community  sport this  time  of  year . Additionally , marathons , adventure  aces  and  triathlons  are  becoming  more  proper  too . Successfully  completing  one  of  these  adventures  takes  hard-work , dedication  and  of  course , proper  nutrition . If  you have  one  of  these  in your  sights  , make  sure  that  you have  the  proper  fuel to get you through . Here  are  a few  tips  to help you successfully  fuel  your  spring  workouts :

1 . Staying hydrated  is  important , but  you can overdo it .  The  color of your urine  is  one  of  the best indicators of  hydration  status . It  should  be  colorless  or  light  yellow , if  you are  well-hydrated  . Water  is  best  choice  for  hydration .

2 .  If  your  activity  is  less than one  hour ,  you likely  will not  need any specialized energy or  electrolyte replacements  such as  sports  drinks  or  glucose  products .

3 .  Deciding  what to eat  before  an  event  can be  a bit  tricky  . For  short events , such as  a 5K jog  ,  you most likely  do not  need  to do anything  special , other  than eating  a light  breakfast  . For  longer  distances ,  you may need  to refuel  during  the  event .

4 .  Understanding  that everyone's metabolism  and  digestive  system  work a  little  different , You should  never  try out  a new  product  , supplement  or  food  just  before  or  during  an  event . Make  sure  you test  how  your  body  reacts  to these  and  how  these  products  help  your  performance  during  training .

5 .  As always , check  with your  doctor  before  starting  any complex  exercise  routine  and  your  dietitian  for  information  on your  nutritional  needs . 

Words of Wisdom:

Think about it. Everything you really, Really, REALLY want requires risk. There are no exceptions. Whether it’s a healthier body, a bigger income, a better career, or a stronger marriage, you can’t get any of those things by just hoping they’ll happen. You have to do something

You can give yourself over to wholesome aspirations, letting them carry you along with resolve and passion, staying true to your own North Star without straining and stressing along the way. You can be prudent, love others, rise in your chosen work, and nurture our planet without feeling like there’s a stick at your back.

Walk your path in reverence for humanity and life. No one's journey is easy or free of fears, no matter what it looks like on the surface. It's remarkable and lovely to feel the humbleness of making a real difference, large or small, versus a "See! I'm-special!" trap of the frightened ego-aspect. Ask yourself often what it is you want to contribute while you're here, what you want your personal legacy to be, even if it's a silent, less-obvious one.

To all those people and organizations who want to cut back on their education and motivation, you would be well advised to listen to the words of the great philosopher Aristotle. Even though he penned these words more than 2000 years ago, they still ring true today. He said, “The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.” In other words, it may cost you some time and money to keep on learning, but the results are always worth it.

A proud grand-poppa           G.


  1. Hi HB, excellent advice
    Like I always told my kids..."If you didn't put fuel in your car, it wouldn't run. Your body is just the same."
    Great comment about education. We have had cutbacks up here too. They are not thinking of the future and they are not giving our kids the proper tools to handle the future.
    Luv and a big hug for helping us

  2. Hello my Lady,
    Kids or grownups needs reminders , I know I do , when a cup of coffee and a cookie or cinnamon roll will do the job , the kids are taught they need something to stick to their ribs . I asked Nanette and she said they had to be up early enough to eat breakfast and make their beds so I am sure Nee gets it from the way she was raised
    We will pull out this rut and start building again , Jindel is a fool that want to be President .
    You are most welcome
    Hugs and love to you .


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