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Friday, November 8, 2013

Dear Ashely

The author's brother uploaded the letter to Reddit this week. (Image via Imgur)

A love letter handwritten by an elementary school boy has gone viral after it was posted to Reddit this week.
 It shows the young boy's quest for Ashley and her pragmatic rejection. "Would you please be my girlfriend I like you a lot," the young boy writes, completing the note with instructions for her to circle "yes," "no" or "maybe."

While the "no" option is circled by Ashley, she doesn't reject him outright. She replies, "I'm sorry I alredy have a boyfriend Kyle but when we break up you're my next choice. P.S. that will proboby be a month or two."

Listen my friend...Ashley doesn't sound like a very monogamous lady. Maybe when she calls in a month or two you  can say you're busy or that you're waiting for a reply from another girl.
Just saying...The Genie


  1. Hahahaha!
    That is so cute, at least she is being honest .... girls at that age fall in / out of love at least once a month .
    Just hilarious .... thanks for the laugh .
    luv ya PIC

  2. I just feel sorry for the little boy. He put his heart out there and she crushed it.
    I thought it was too cute. Ashley will go far in this world.

    luv ya


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