I have been going to the same hairdresser for the past 12 years. Lately, I have received some pretty bad haircuts and I've noticed that the salon is not as clean as it used to be . There is often hair from previous customers on the chair and the floor .
I feel a strong connection to my hairdresser and we've developed a friendship over the years, but I can't take another bad hairdo . I'm thinking of going somewhere else, but I don't know how to do it . Should I just stop calling for appointments or must I "breakup" with her directly ?
Can Hairy Leave Sally
Dear Hairy ,
After 12 years, your hairdresser deserves to know why you aren't returning . Might she be ill and unable to do the work she used to do ? Inquire about her well-being and then tell her what's been bothering you . Give her the opportunity to improve the situation before telling her you feel it is necessary to take your business else where .
Dear Maxy ,
My job requires me to use the Internet to gather information for various projects in a timely manner; however, I find myself logging into Facebook and Twitter to update my status and to see what my friends are doing all day long. I really want to concentrate and focus on the work I have to do doing business hours . Can you help me create a strategy to help stay focused ? I could be a more effective worker .
Easily Distracted
Dear Easily Distracted ,
What you can do is think about your career . Consider the steps that you can take to be successful in your work life . Write down a list of what you can do to improve your job . Imagine how much more efficient you can be if you stay focused on the task at hand
Each day, make a written list of what you have to do . Write out each task on a separate line and check off each item when it has has been successfully completed .
Finally, think about the consequences of continuting to be distracted by your personal social media . You could potentially lose your job if you spend too much time on those websites .
Dear Maxy ,
Recently, my husband and I have gained a lot of weight . I know why: We have been eating rich food everyday and drinking wine every night . We know that this is causing us to bulk up , but it makes us happy . We actually have not been this happy together in years . So , we don't want to stop . Obviously, this is not rational thinking . What can we do to develop healthier habits and stay happy ?
Fat and Happy
Dear Fat and Happy,
You can start by moving your bodies . Why not take a walk together after dinner ? Ease into being more active with each other . At the same time, you can begin to make smarter food choices . Switch out starchy foods for green vegetables . Cut back on butter and bread . Eat dinner earlier than the normal hour . Do not eat before you go to bed . Reduce your alcohol intake . Start off by reducing it to one glass of wine per night with the goal of reducing your alcohol intake to one or two nights a week .
Remember to take your time in this process . Talk to your husband about it so he knows you are looking to do something to improve your health . Ask him to support you in this effort . Look for recipes for healthier meals . Invite your husband to help prepare special meals with you . What makes for a happy marriage is great communication coupled with respect . If you travel on this journey to a healthier life together, chances are you can slim down and stay happy !
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