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Monday, September 5, 2016

Aunt Jeannie ---Baby Tries Pickles For The First Time. His Reaction Is HILARIOUS.--From the Cubs

Meet Lukas, an adorable little baby boy. 
During this video, you will see Lukas trying pickles. It is really hard to tell if Lukas hates pickles or if he loves them. What do you think? 
Watch this adorable video here. Also, share this cute video with your friends on Facebook. 

This will make you smile  .
Love the Cubs
Jonny , Sha , Jenny , Man Carano

Chris , Sheryl , Bubba  Landrieu

Have  a nice Labor Day 


  1. Thank you
    It did make me smile. I think he loved/hated that pickle. Babies always make me mushy.
    We had a great labor day celebration. Hope you did too. Now I have to find a video to make you smile.
    Love Aunt Jeannie

  2. Aunt Jeannie , you are welcome , daddy says smiling is good for the soul . We had a good Labor Day , it was to short .
    Love from the Cubs
    wrote by Jenny


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