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Thursday, March 26, 2015

Ask Maxy

Dear Maxy ,
Thank you for your very rapid reply, being small in stature and people, especially the girls were laughing at me . Thanks to you , now I can be proud of my height , because now you showed me I can stand tall among men . Thanks .
Too Small
Dear 'Too Small'
I was very pleased I was able to  help you. Remember to keep your head up and be proud of who you are . Size can be measured in other ways besides inches. Please  keep me informed on how  you are  doing .

Dear Maxy ,
My husband and I live in a rental property that my father owns . In the beginning everybody got along . We pay our rent on time and haven't had any real issues with the place. Suddenly , my husband started showing signs of resentment and disrespect toward my father . I am confused because my father has provided a roof over my family's head . I think my husband is upset because he took a handout from my dad . How can I reinforce my husband's confidence to tell him that he is still the man for me and not my dad? 
Daddy's Baby , Husband's Maybe . Biloxi , Mississippi 
Dear Daddy's Baby, Husband's Maybe,
I think you nailed the problem, and part of the solution is in your letter also. Your husband's resentment is mostly self directed. He is, probably, feeling a little unmanned by the situation. And perhaps thinks he is not being as good a provider for his family as he should be. He may even feel that your father has far too much influence or power over your lives. 
If you are paying rent, then it is not a handout, it is a business transaction....even with a family discount. Would your father consider selling you the property and carrying the mortgage ? If so, then your husband has a goal to work towards...a home that will belong completely to him and his family. Your dad would not have so much say in your business if you were buying the house. And this will go a long way to restoring your spouse's confidence in himself. 
There is another problem: it takes two sides to create friction and it may be that your father is contributing to the contention between the two men. Talk to your dad about it, explain, and then see if you can bring the men together to clear up the problem .
If your husband cannot articulate his concerns or does not want to co-operate, you may want to begin looking for another place to live that's on neutral ground . Foremost, it is vital to support your husband and keep your marriage healthy. Remind your husband how much you love and respect him and that nothing changes that . Ask him what you can do to show your support of him . 
It's also important for you and your husband to cultivate a positive relationship with your family for the long term. That might only be possible if you put a little distance between you and your dad.

Dear Maxy ,
My co-worker is constantly leaving or misplacing her keys at home or work .. Moreover , it seems like these incidents are happening on a more frequent basis and feel like to know if I could help her in anyway . Do you think it is my place to ask her would like to talk ? 
Concerned Co-Worker , B.R. Louisiana 
Dear Concerned Co-Worker, 
I am assuming you know the lady quite well and she considers you a friend. If so, during a private moment, point out that you have noticed she's experiencing some forgetful moments of late; ask if she is okay . Sometimes when people's behavior is reflected back to them, they become more aware of it. 
Beyond a gentle inquiry, there is little else you can do, except suggest a couple of things....for example : put a hook on the front door frame or right on the door to hang her keys, as soon as she walks in the house. They will be in plain view when she leaves the house the next time. A similar thing could be done at work . Another alternative is to buy a long lanyard and attach it inside her purse/handbag and leave the keys on it at all times.
Unfortunately memory loss is part and parcel of growing older. Some people start getting short term memory loss earlier than others. In some cases it could be early signs of dementia or Alzheimer's disease. Your co-worker is not, presently, showing symptoms of either; just a little absent mindedness. If you are still concerned, and if the situation gets progressively worse, in your opinion, you may need to speak to her again, before it becomes apparent to her employer. There are techniques available to keep the mind alert.

Dear Maxy ,
For four years I have been trying to leave an abusive marriage . I have been working with various agencies that are budget strapped and overwhelmed with clients . I finally found a friend who offered to let me stay with her ., but she lives four hours away , and I cannot afford a rental car Then my husband tells his boss that he needs time off because I have a disability . That part is true , but I know now that he is using it as an excuse to be home and control the situation . Our local abuse shelter is crowded right now . In a perfect world , I would grab what I could and leave . I tried once and he caught up with me . Any suggestions ? 
Sad , in Florida 
Dear Sad in Florida ,
Your husband is indeed a controller. You are in an untenable and potentially dangerous situation. You need a better plan . First, do not tell your husband you are leaving or let him know who you are contacting about it. He will use whatever means necessary to stop you . Would your friend pick you up ? Is there a bus or train you can afford ? Does your disability require a wheelchair? If so, your options are more limited and someone will have to come to you. 
Please call the National Domestic Violence Hotline ( ) at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) and ask them to help you find a safe way out .
Explain your situation thoroughly ; time is of the essence. 

Dear Maxy ,
A year ago, I fell ill with diabetes . Due to financial problems, I have had lots of complications in treating it . I also have a troubled past , but I turned it around a few years ago and I'm proud of myself .
I was so ill that I had to quit my job . Now I have problems affording the medication and it depresses me . My parents seem to believe that I am simply back to my old habits and say I should be working . But I have documentation saying I cannot work due to diabetes complications. 
I have asked both of my parents to go with me to see the doctor , but they refuse. I am so lost . Please help .
Confused , North Texas 
Dear Confused,
You may be eligible for reduced -cost medical care, including medications which would help you get back on your feet . 
Right now, your health is the most important thing and you'll feel better if you can be proactive about your care . Please contact the American Diabetes Association ( at 1-800-DIABETES (34223837) .
You can try Partnership for Prescription Assistance ( ) for low cost medications . And you may be eligible for low cost hospitalization and care through the Health Resources and Services Administration 
( care/ affordable/hillburton
Your parents may come around in time. But don't place too much significance on their opinions. They don't appear to be that concerned. Concentrate on getting help and feeling better, then you can handle family situations a lot better.


  1. Hi Aunty and Genie ,
    Poppa's had it's 1 million sit down customer today , what a thrill , we are coming close to our 1 million carry-out customer . Thanks aunty , you have taught me a lot .
    Kathy says everyone is thrilled and she is getting some from her customers .
    Your sweet niece .

    Dear Maxy ,
    My youngest son is 34-years-old and lives with my wife and me . He is an alcoholic and unemployed , with no interest in getting a job . He helps at home by doing the cooking . He is a great cook by trade . He was laid off as head cook at a restaurant and can't get over it .
    My son is a good person and I love him very much . He claims he was blackballed . He has had 10 good jobs over the past 15 years , but has had at least five DUIs and has been in jail three time .
    Could this be true ? Is there any way I could get him out of the house and into a work program ? My wife will not back me up when I tell him he has to get a job .
    Beside Myself

    Dear Maxy,
    I have a friend who used to work with me and I ran into him the other day . He has terrible bad breath and I find it so strange because otherwise he is a super neat and clean guy . He's a gym rat . He is super buff and pays close attention to himself .
    That's why I just don't get it . I don't have a clue as to how to address this with him . It's such a personal issue and I don't know how to approach him about it . Should I say something or just leave it alone ?
    Halitosis Alert

    Dear Maxy ,
    I have a friend who keeps weapons in her home . She lives in the country and told me she feels strongly about having protection against wild animals and that it's just part of the culture there .
    I get her position , but I live in the city and I have seen way too much gun violence that has unnecessarily killed countless young people . We strongly disgree on this topic .
    How do you continue to talk to someone about a sensitive subject when you do not share views .

    Dear Maxy ,
    I hired a young man to work with me a couple of months ago . He seemed to have a lot of promise , but then it all seemed to fizzle . I would ask him to complete tasks ; when he completed them , he didn't bother to say anything . I told him that initiative is very important to me , as I operate a small business and really don't have time to hold his hand all day . Even though he seems to be very smart , he really never demonstrated initiative . What's worse is that a couple of times I asked him to meet me to bring me important paperwork , and each time he was at least 30 minutes late with no real apology . I am ready to let him go , less than 90 days in . I want to tell him why , as I may be able to help him in his next job . . How do you recommend I talk to him ?
    End of Probation

  2. Howdy my darling ,
    Things here is hectic and going at full steam . Spring break , get CC / BB / Lynn ready , wwe are going to the lake for a few dayys , taking my lappy with me . Thank you so much my darling , id you get your present today .
    Your sweet auntie Hahahaha !!!

  3. My sweet grand ,
    You are doing the ladies a wonderful service . I want to add my thanks to Nee's .
    Your dear aunt will always find a minute to say thank you , that is what I like about this '
    Southern Hospitality.'

    A very proud grand-poppa


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