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Wednesday, November 2, 2016

My Grandsons on a long ago happy day

Same boys now

This year we have baby 'Emma' who is cute as a bug.  She never quite got the concept of Halloween but she loved the experience


  1. Boy how time flies , those boys was as cute as a button ... look at them now , they very handsome and look how proud their Guppa is ... be proud sweetie they will make you proud .
    Emma is just adorable , what a beautiful little girl , she will get the hand of all the holidays Hahahaha!!!
    Love PIC

    1. Those boys are pretty gorgeous. I am proud indeed. All 12 grandkids safely made it to adulthood in good health and they all have happy memories of childhood and promising futures. I think we can take a back seat now.
      Emma is so funny. Quite a character and a mind of her own
      Luv PIC

  2. My Lady ,
    Your dear twins grew into fine young men , be proud , a job well done .

    What is your husband pointing at .
    All your grands is making a place in this world and thanks to you and your husband guidance they will be OK . They are happy boys and your little granddaughter is so very pretty and special , she is so happy , not to worry , next year she will have the hang of things.
    Hugs HB

    1. They are all happy and healthy. Now we just have to start them on the road to their future and then we can relax.
      I think Brian was going to stick his finger in Jake's ear so Jake would have a weird expression on his face when the camera clicked.
      Emma is a smart cookie. She learned that when the door opens candy comes out. She got that part right. Next year she might understand why you have to dress up to get it.
      Love and hugs


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