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Thursday, December 18, 2014

Ask Maxy

Dear Maxy , 

I have been in a long distance relationship with my girlfriend for the past two years . We decided to stay together even though I was going off to law school . Well, I have made many friends here and I have found myself interested in getting to know one of my classmates better . Both of the women are amazing , but I do not want to give up a five year relationship for what may be a passing fancy . What do you think ?
Out of Sight , Out of Mind
Dear Out of  Sight , Out  of  Mind ,
One  of  the toughest relationships is to have  is of the  young long-distance  variety . It's  natural  that you will meet interesting  people . Occasionally , that interest is  piqued very intensely . When  your  significant other  miles away . The temptation can seem insurountable . This  is when I recommend  that you  do a self-assessment . What is the commitment  you have  made  to your  girlfriend  ? Do you still  want  to maintain  that bond ? Be  brutally  honest with yourself .

Dear Maxy,
A group of  friends  has invited  me to hang out  with them on New Year's Eve . They plan to go to Times Square  and hang out  while  the ball  drops . I like them , but I hate that idea . I used  to party  around New Year's  and I went to Times Square   a few  times in my 20s . This will be  my friends' first time  in the city  and I know  how  much this will mean to them if I take them to see the  ball drop . I like  the idea of  being along  and thinking  about my life . I am afraid  to tell them I may not  go with them . They  may call me  corny  or  even a party pooper . How  should  I address  this ?
No Times Square  for Me 
Dear No Times  Square  for  Me,

Typically , tourists are  the people  who flock to Times  Square  on New Years' Eve . Yes , it  can be exciting  . But  as  you know , it is  extremely  crowded , usually cold  and super intense . You do not  have to joined  your friends  in Times' Square  on New Years' Eve . I recommended  that you manage their expectations  by letting them know up front  what your  plans  are as  you talk to them  about  theirs . Be  honest  about  your  intentions  for  bringing  in 2015 .

Many people , by the way , make  the choice  to be reflective  and still  as  one  year transitions into  the  next .
You do not  need  to apologize about  that . Instead  , be willing  to help  them find  out  details  about the  Times Square  festivities . You may even want to take them there  and show  them the  subway stops  aand  the lay of  the  land in general  and leave . You can be a good  host  without  participating  in every activity  with them . If  you would like , you may want  to invite  them to join  you for  a toast  and a meal  before  they head  out .

Dear Maxy ,
I am signed  up  to go  to a lovely luncheon  with an exclusive  group  of  women in my town . I  have  been looking  forward to this  for weeks . I cannot  go now , though , because I have come  down with a GI problem . I need  to tell  the organizers  that I will be  unable to  attend . If  possible , I would  like  to get my  money back  as well . But  most of  all , I want  to back out  gracefully . How do I do that without  telling  them the details  of  my illness ?
Cannot  Go 
Dear Cannot  Go,
If  you have enough time , write  a note  to the organizers  saying  how  much  you have  been  looking  forward  to this  luncheon  but  unfortunately  you cannot  attend  because  you are  under the weather . You do  not need  to go into details  about  what's wrong . You can express  your  hope  that they  are  able  to sell your ticket  to someone else  and ask if  you could  be  reimbursed.


  1. Thank you Maxy for getting back to me so soon , I was the first one . Ardis is right you care about your people .
    Maxy , I have more questions , can I ask more ?
    Out of sight , out of mind

  2. Howdy Craig ,
    Ardis is a true friend and he's right we care .

    "More question!" Bring them on we are open 24/7 and want to hear from you and others .
    Maxy ...The Genie ... Witchy


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