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Thursday, July 14, 2011

Ask Maxy

Dear maxy ,
My co-worker is an alcoholic. He stores liquor in the office  snack room and under his desk . He takes a swig of scotch at least once a day, and my desk is right next to his  ... he reeks ! The worst part is that he hits on me when he's tipsy.
He's a regional manager and has the power to promote me . Should I ask to be relocated ?
Dear Deborah,
I think you should report his behavior to your supervisor . Ask for advice on how to handle the situation . You want to have it documented that you said something because you need to protect yourself . Don't ask to be transferred either.
You can speak to him when he is sober and tell him that it makes you uncomfortable when he drinks and speaks to you in an inappropriate manner.

Dear Maxy,
I have been dating this girl for a couple of months , and I think things are going really well . My friends , however, don't like her, and they keep saying that she is bad news, I don't know whether I'm blinded by love and they're right or whether they're jealous . Should I listen to my friends or follow my heart ?
Dear Mark,
Have you asked your friends what they don't like about your girlfriend  ? It's important to investigate their "charges" before you make a decision about staying or leaving your relationship. If the whole friend group seems to take issue with her, a legitimate reason may exist, I say "may" because it could also be that they are jeaous that she is taking you away from them.You have to find out.
Being direct is the best way . Ask them to tell you why they do not endorse your relationship . Ask them to provide specifics about anything that bothers them . A feeling isn't enough for you to walk away from her. Also, pay attention to this young lady  and the time you spend together .
Erase the idea of being "blinded by love." You don't want to blinded by anything . With your eyes wide-open , make sure that you like the way your relationship is evolving . If so, stay there.

Dear Maxy,
I have a crush on my friend's boyfriend . They have been dating for a few months now , and, boy , it is difficult for me . I am happy for them , but at the same time , it's hard to be around them when they are together . How can I get some space and not lose my friends ?
Dear sarah,
Oh no ! That's got to be an uncomfortable feeling . Believe it or not , plenty of people have  been in this situation, though. As you already know, in this case , it's not how you feel that matters  but what you do with these feelings.
You cannot  act on your feelings . You need to exorcise them so that  you can become grounded again. You can start that by creating some distance between you , for a while. Don't go out with them everytime they invite you . Make yourself busy for a while doing other things that you enjoy while you cool off.


  1. Hi Cutie...they connected us back to dial-up so we could still go online until they finish with the DSL.
    I missed you, I will be on tonight .
    We will not stay on long , you have a busy day tomorrow .
    Your big sister ... NEE the Witchy One.[giggles]

  2. Got Maxy e-mail .. was there ...I sent you an e-mail, you have to send the invite to my e-mail address for me to be invited [giggles] Witchy


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