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  • CLIMATE CRISIS REPORT - *We now have the clearest picture yet of how different the world is today as a result of human-driven climate change. The most comprehensive report to da...
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  • - *Hello Nee my old friend,* *It's been two years now since I last heard from you. I hope you are well and very happy. I know I became a burden to you wit...
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  • Creamy Dill & Salmon - *Prep/Total Time: 30 min. Makes: 6 servings* *1 salmon fillet (about 2 pounds)* *2 teaspoons lemon-pepper seasoning* *1 teaspoon onion salt* *1 ...
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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Kids Say The Darndest Things

1) Jennifer was watching her mother breast feed her new baby brother , after a while she asked ... Mama why have you got two boobies' ? Is one for hot and one for cold milk ?

2) Melanie asked her Granny how old she was , Granny replied she was so old she didn't remember anymore . Melanie said , "if you don't remember you must look in the back of your panties . Mine say 5 or 6 .

3) Brittany had an earache and wanted a pain killer , she tried in vain to take the lid off the bottle . Seeing the frustration , her mom explained it was a child proof cap and she'd have to open it for her , eyes wide with wonder , Melanie asked : How does it know it's me .

4)Susan was drinking juice when she got the hiccups , "please don't give me this juice again " she said , "it makes my teeth cough."

5) Danni stepped on the bathroom scale and asked his dad "how much do I cost ?

6) Tammy was with her mother when they met an elderly , rather wrinkled woman her mom knew . Tammy looked at her for a while and then asked ,"why doesn't your skin fit your face ?"

7) Mark was engrossed in a young couple who was hugging and kissing in a restaurant , without taking his eyes off them , he asked his dad : Why is he whispering in her mouth ?

8) Charles was in his bedroom looking worried when his mom asked what was troubling him , he replied "I don't know what'll happen with this bed when I get married , how will my wife fit in with me ?


  1. Now that was funny and cute too. Loved it PIC.

  2. So here we are. How's it going old girl???

  3. I was under "Why women lose interest in SEX!! haha

  4. Everything is going okay ...out all day , getting some things done art the shelter.

  5. You know I didn't know that post was there. I'll have to read it carefully for when I lose interest.

  6. You have a lot of projects. How do you find the time??

  7. Dad was here all day worrying the shit out of Eloise.. she said he told her he didn't want to be bothered he was going to talk to his lady.

  8. I run out of energy once I'm bathed and dressed.

  9. I think I put it up between 9:30/10:00..a few minutes ago.

  10. Poor Eloise, he'll give her an ulcer. He did send a lovely note.
    He says I must have enchanted him with Genie dust.You can tell he is an old and practiced charmer of women.

  11. I started the abused center when I moved back home..I knew the need for one after my ex .
    I started it in 2000

  12. Those are the kind of articles women are interested in. They will have a lot to read on our first day. I want to try a couple of other backgrounds.But the blog can be open if you want.

  13. I can't find the bulk of my photos. About 2,000 of them are missing. They have to still be in my computer but I may need a geek to find them.Thanks to the Justin Hurricane that hit my PC.

    So I can't find the picture of Maxy you want in the sidebar. I will put another one there.

  14. Dad is an old hand at the game. He is a flirt and his son is just like him .
    Eloise just says yes your highness or whoever you are today .

  15. I really respect that you started that centre. What a great thing to do.

  16. You didn't take the ask Maxy picture out ...HUH ???
    We can wait til you have it the way we want it .
    All I know how to do is get the Stats counter and I can get it when we open.

  17. I get help from the government. I bet Dad told you... he tells everything. We have a lot of programs to help them get on their feet .

  18. I thought you wanted the picture brought over from the other blog

  19. That's why I know what it will take to get my Bears off the ground, I did that with just a little help...NAN?Sis and my sis-in-laws and some of my nieces about 14/15.

  20. I think that it is great that you help abused women. They always have to start over again when they get out of those is harder than people think.

  21. They all helped get the women's shelter going???

  22. I love all his pictures , so you be the judge...
    Look in drafts ...
    I do want them all .

    {giggles] don't ask me shit ...I will tell you to put them all on here. hahaha

  23. Yes they helped me find the different places I need to go .
    It is just like what you are doing for me now ... giving me places where I can get help or information.

  24. I hav e a "Ask Maxy" post in drafts...look it over .

  25. I think it's a marvellous thing to do. And you have stayed involved all these years. Good on you honey.

  26. Your pictures are still on your hard drive...they are not lost, you will just have to figure out how to get them.

  27. I will look in drafts. Would it be all right if I add a question or two to it?

  28. That's why I put it in Drafts

    I put names and answers , fix it like it should be and post it

  29. Dad told me how Man was potty trained . He also told me how Gil suffered morning sickness, bloating and labor pain when you were pregnant.

  30. Someone asked Maxy questions and the little Devil an swer them..
    WE are going to owe him a lot of RP Haha

  31. I know they are on my harddrive but the big J didn't name a file or give me a clue where to look.There are thousands of files in my hard drive.

  32. I had family to help me , a lot of these women don't , a lot of them needs protection and they can get it there.

  33. MAxy only gets RP if the advice is good. Two poops per answer.

  34. That's why those women are so scared when they run away. They feel exposed and helpless.

  35. I was sick with Jill , Man gave his daddy hell..sweetie it was so funny and I never got sick with Man.

  36. Dad also told me the story of when Man wanted to nurse and you were asleep. The poor guy was smacking his mouth and patting you and you didn't wake up so Gil put a towel over you and stuck Man's head under there.

  37. I used the picture on this blog glasses makes him look like he knows what he's talking about.

    You know Jennifer is Jill's given name ?

  38. I just read the questions and answers on Ask Maxy post and they were good.I will add a couple to make it into a column

  39. Man was a greedy baby, I woke up and he was going to town..
    I would whip Dad's musty butt ...he will only tell me he don't remember.

    Dad will tell you more crap as he remembers it...he know I don't mind you knowing it.

  40. I like your idea of putting the picture at the top of the column when we post it. I will reduce the size a bit so it won't clash with the other one which will be right beside it.

  41. Dad is so mischievous.

  42. I wondered why you used Jill for a nickname instead of Jen or Jenny

  43. Brian's ex was Jennifer. I still like the name. It was one I considered for Jaye.

  44. I have an idea...get the one you put in Brians hosiptal room above the ask Maxy then they won't be side by side

  45. If you reduced the size let me know , so I can reduce the one I have.

    I will always put mine in drafts .

  46. That would be a great idea if I knew where the photos were on my pc. The one in the frame, I gave to Sammy and don't know what happened to it.

  47. I promised Dad I would find a recipe for him. I may put it up tonight, assuming I find a good one.

  48. He seems to be really bonded to Man although he is proud of all of them. He says Jonny is becoming a typical big brother

  49. We have started calling her Jenny so if Dad tell you about Jenny , that's Jill.

  50. Jenny is a pretty name. Does she have any preference?

  51. [giggles] Dad says the only new sweets he get is from you so he got it made .
    Dad is bonded to Man they are both just alike .
    Jonny is very protective of his siblings , he and Jenny fuss all the time, Sha is my little lady.
    Jenny told Jonny she was going to tell his daddy and he asked her about what and she told him she would think of something when Gil got home.

  52. If you asked her what her name is she would always tell you Jennifer C****O..

  53. Your Jenny is precocious and hilarious. She must give you some great laughs.

  54. We got letters today to sign if we wanted the girls to be in a beauty pageant.

  55. The two names sound good together.
    Just like I though Jonny C****O sounded excellent.

  56. Do you believe in those beauty pageants?

  57. I get a lot of laughs, now Sha is also a character and Jonny is not far behind .

  58. I picture Sha as a little princess. Does she like to dress up??

  59. Gil/Dad would have my hide if I let them be in a pageant , they thank they should be little girls as long as possible, Sis says it makes them grow up to fast.

  60. I didn't think you did.
    My daughter-in-law put Kimmy in one when she was a baby and I was shocked at the mothers in the waitng room. They were rough and impatient with those kids and used curling irons on their hair.And they put makeup on one year olds.

  61. Sha loves dreses and for some reason Jenny started wearing dresses withour being told.
    I still put shorts un der their dresses, they don't know how to sit.

  62. I never forget Whazzername in Boulder Clorado. In some of her pageant pictures there are bruises on her arms. Did anyone put that fact into the mix??

  63. She had internal scarring that was quite old. Someone had been having intercourse with her for some time. Now who could that have been. I have always maintained that it had to be her father.Who else? How old was she.?

  64. They play make grown=up , put on my makeup and heels , my jewelry on here at home , that's it .
    I don't wear much make-up it's bad for the skin. Clogged your pores.

  65. I bet they never took her to a hospital when her mother noticed the bleeding. Now why do you think that is?

  66. I wear a light foundation. It has SPF 20 (I think) which stops the sun from damaging my skin.

  67. It is non clogging.

    Rabbit puppet again tonight

  68. Jon Beth.. Her mama had cancer and I believed it was her daddy, her brother was to young ..can a 10/12 year old get a hard..Dad is still up watching Craig I'm going to ask him. The mama is dead I thank.

  69. I thank the mama knew it, I would kill Gil's shit if he messed with one of mine and he helped make Jenny, he would be a dead S.O.B.

  70. All parents think there kids are beautiful and one kid will win , I want my kids to know all of them are winners and they have nothing to prove.

  71. A ten year old can get hard.But he couldn't have caused that amount of scarring

  72. I wear the same light foundation, just to take the shin off my face .
    Her mama know what was happening with that kid..we both have girls and if they was bleeding it would be hell to tell the preacher.

    Money talks sweetie.

  73. Dad just got back to me , he laughed said hell his only got hard once and he made his son.

    He said yes but mostly at 10 it would be a piss .

  74. Money lets you get away with murder. how many cases have we seen. He will never be brought to justice.
    His wife was ill and not interested in sex. And the little girl was all pimped up like a miniature hooker.

  75. Yes Craig love that stupid rabbit.I don't like the dead guy.

  76. I told Dad you was in and out and you missed his notes over the weekend and he said he missed you too.

  77. Yes they all get piddle-proud in the morning when they have to pee. Men and boys alike.

  78. You hit the nail on the head.
    I read last year that the police was taking another look and talking to the son.
    Remember , he was the one that found her.

  79. I have gotten smart , I up Maxy on about 9:55 my time and go to IM it will tell me if you are on line..the first time I said said you was idle..went back to Maxy left a note and when back..and you was there . See I'm learning.

  80. It was the father that found her. His friend asked him if he had checked the basement and he said "yes". The friend said "well we should double check" So they went down there and looked all around and the friend noticed a door beside the furnace and asked if he had looked in there. The father, Ramsey( I just remembered)said No. But he said she would not hide in there. The friend told him to check and the father was reluctant but opened the door and said my God she's here. He went and touched her all over and picked her up.

  81. I think he picked her up to explain his DNA all over her.

  82. You're getting too smart for your britches.There'a nothing worse than a smart Witch.

  83. We have a friend who lives in Boulder. He came up to see his family a couple of times when the case was fresh and I asked him all about it.

  84. Have you notice we have a lot of stuff to talk about , so if anyone come we will be okay if they happen to find us.
    If I send you an e-mal while talking we will get a code...I thank the best one is 'EXCUSE ME'and then I'm back.

  85. Now I remember a lot of it now , Ramsey did lie , he knew that kid was there.
    Any father would not have picked her up...maybe a mama would run to her, I wondered will that case ever get closed .Something fishy in Denmark and it smells.

  86. You know that people were always interested in the comments as much as the posts because they think we're crazy

  87. How about excuse me ...when you sent me one says you got mail ...I keep all my mail cleaned off...if you thank of a better one , I'm all for it.It's such a pretty blog and I want the boys to see it.

  88. We can still use IM most of the time when we want to let our hair down. 3/4 days a week.

  89. My twins ...who do you thank. Haha

  90. Oh... I didn't know.
    So you like the blog the way it is???

  91. Well we can stil give them what they want .
    I thank we have got good at what we want to talk about .
    We will figure it out when you are ready ...we are good.
    We will never get caught with our britches down again.

  92. I guess we better say nighty-night.
    It goes so quick. I would like to talk on IM a few times a week.

  93. I will like it anyway you fix it.

    You said it will take time because you need your designs, I am not in a hurry.

  94. You don't need to open it until you have it the way you want it..
    This is going to be the best one take your time.

    Hell,I know how to find you.

  95. I will meet you there tomorrow OKAY ?

  96. I think we did pretty good with what we had.I think it's cute. We can change it later. FTBB needs a facelift too.

  97. Time do go fast...I will meet you On IM tomorrow .

  98. Sweetie I will say goodnight and see you tomorrow on IM .
    Have pleasent dreams , stay warm and cozy cuddled up to the Rock.
    Goodnite ..HUGS & KISSES...PIC
    Kiss the Rock.

  99. So Goodnight and pleasant dreams my friend. Rest you weary bones and I will try to lay down without screaming in pain. If I sit real still I am pain free. It's only when I move or cough or sneeze or laugh that it hurts.
    I hope all your problems are little ones and tomorrow will be a nice day....Hugs...LUV PIC

  100. PS :
    Go for anything you want to do..I am happy as a lark.
    Yes FTBB needs a facelift.

    See you on IM tomorrow or today.Hahaha



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